Adios 2007

Well… surely time passes so fast and year ended like a flash. When you engage in work you don’t feel the time passing. But today seems a long boring day for me since I don’t have any work. So I wanted this day to end so soon. I waited impatiently for the 1st of January, not to celebrate the year but to stay home :) Coz we get a holiday tomorrow for the celebration of the Gregorian New Year.

Now let’s think back at the past year and get only the experience gained. But be careful not to cry or shed silent tears over past tragedies. The New Year is meant not to cry over split milk nor to repeat mistakes. Take them as a blessing in disguise and the spirit to avoid repetition. Just learn lessons from past and keep in mind to live a better year ahead. Let’s take bold strides with confidence in the coming year.

Wish all your dreams will come true in the year 2008. Most impotently peace in Sri Lanka, something we all Sri Lankans needed so badly.